Lapmaster LSP09 - Gebrauchte Maschine

Marque Lapmaster
Maximale Druck 317.5 kg
Motorleistung 4 HP
Abmessungen 1650x1150x2400 mm
Arbeitshydraulikdruck 5 bars

The Lapmaster two-disc lapping and polishing machines of the LSP series are so-called „4 way“ machines.

machines, i.e. in addition to the centre wheel and the external

the upper and lower lapping wheels also rotate.

lower lapping wheel also rotate.

A highly developed control system enables the optimal

optimal movement of the workpieces for the lapping

lapping or polishing process.

Depending on the requirements, the upper lapping wheel can be loaded or unloaded.

be loaded or unloaded.

The main features of this series are

– Programmable process sequence

– Loading and unloading of the upper lapping wheel

– Correction of the lapping wheel flatness during the

the machining process

– Speed-controlled lapping medium pump with


– Transparent work area shield

– Lowerable external gear rim for easy loading

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