DMTG DL-25M - Used machine

Marque DMTG
Diameter over the bed 500 mm
Max turning length 1500 mm
Lead angle 45°
Spindle nose A2-8
Chuck diameter 300 mm
Hole through spindle 87 mm
Max bar diameter 74 mm
Spindle speed 3500 RPM
Spindle power 22 KW
Travel of the axe X 260 mm
Travel of the axe Z 1498 mm
Rapids in X-Y 12
Tools VDI 40 positions
Taper of tailstock sleeve MT5
Total power 40 kW
Dimensions 4600x2000x2200 mm
Weight 8300 Kg


Hydraulic chuck

Hydraulic tailstock

Tool sensor

Chip conveyor

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